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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Morfofuncionais

Área do conteúdo

PCMF student is awarded at the 2022 University Meetings

Published at: November 28, 2022 Category: Sem categoria


The Graduate Program in Morphofunctional Sciences congratulates the student Ana Beatriz Nogueira Lima, master’s student of our program, who won 1st place in the Scientific Initiation category of the UFC University Meetings. The award-winning work was developed during the student’s scientific initiation and was supervised by Professor Maria Elenir Nobre Pinho Ribeiro.

Check out the full news at the link: https://www.ufc.br/noticias/17390-reconhecimento-e-incentivo-a-ciencia-marcam-cerimonia-de-entrega-do-premio-ufc-ciencia-e-sociedade

Photo Viktor Braga/UFC: In the center Ana Beatriz Nogueira Lima (Student PCMF), on the left Dr. Ana Paula de Medeiros (Dean of Graduation) and on the right Prof. Dr. Glauco Lobo (vice-chancellor).

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